Flutter App Development Services

Efficient Cross-Platform Development with Flutter

Flutter, an open-source cross-platform development framework developed by Google, supports iOS, Android, Web, and Desktop. It allows efficient development with a single codebase, featuring beautiful UIs, smooth animations, and high performance. With its extensive customization options and third-party libraries, Flutter is widely used by many companies and developers


Why Built your Flutter App with JIITAK?

Integration Issues with Native Code
Implementing Robust Flutter-Dart Interoperability flow and Utilizing Platform-Specific Channels to Streamline Integration
Limited Pre-Built Widgets for Advanced UI
Creating Custom Widgets and Leveraging in-house frameworks Flutter’s Extensive Libraries to Design Advanced, Intuitive User Interfaces
Performance Hitches in Complex Applications
Optimizing Flutter Performance with Efficient State Management, Code Profiling, and Reducing Render and Build Times
Difficulty in Maintaining State Across Large Apps
Employing Advanced In-house built State Management Solutions in Flutter, built on GetX, for Seamless State Handling and Maintenance

Advantages of Flutter


Cross-Platform Capability

Flutter enables the development of mobile, web, and desktop apps with a single codebase, unifying the development team for streamlined management and updates, significantly boosting efficiency. Centralized Flutter development also promises reduced development and operational costs, offering substantial cost benefits.


Hot Reload Feature

Flutter's hot reload capability allows developers to instantly view the effects of their code changes, significantly speeding up the app development process. This feature facilitates quick iterations, enhancing productivity and enabling rapid experimentation and development.


High Performance

With Flutter, apps deliver high-speed performance across multiple platforms using a single codebase. The framework is designed for optimized performance, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience. Its efficiency in rendering and processing contributes to the creation of high-quality, fast, and reliable applications.

Background of Flutter

Flutter, developed by Google, benefits from strong backing and support, ensuring continuous technological evolution and addition of new features. Moreover, the Flutter app developer community is highly active, with vibrant knowledge and idea sharing, a crucial resource contributing to the growth of Flutter development.

Flutter is regularly updated to keep up with platform advancements, promising new features and performance enhancements. It also offers packages for implementing Augmented Reality (AR) apps, enabling collaboration with other technologies and expecting further advanced performance improvements.

With Google's support, the enthusiastic Flutter app developer community, regular updates, and integration with technologies like Flutter AR, Flutter is maturing as a powerful tool for cross-platform development. This allows developers to perform efficient and flexible Flutter app development.

Flutter development cases at JIITAK

At JIITAK, we have adopted Flutter in various product development endeavors. Today, Flutter app and Flutter Web development have become one of JIITAK's strengths. The products developed using Flutter have had an impact across industries.

Social Media x Shopping: A New Kind of Social Network

This innovative SNS combines the joy of sharing favorite items with the convenience of shopping. By linking affiliate links to posts, it offers direct shopping, transforming ordinary social media hobbies into an entertaining experience.

Online Language Learning  App

Expanding an existing English conversation lesson service, this app was developed to overcome specific challenges and connect those who want to learn with those who want to teach in an easy, online format, aiming to attract new customers and transform the business model.

App for Using Local Restaurants as Company Cafeterias

As part of a company's welfare program, this app enables employees to use local restaurants as company cafeterias. It integrates attendance management, expense claims, and safety checks. Initially developed for internal use, it was revamped for broader corporate use, addressing current challenges.

Flutter App Development


Flutter App
An app that provides life-changing encounters, not just with anyone, anywhere
Web App
Innovative Influencer-Company Matching Service: Revolutionizing Public Relations
Web App
Revolutionizing Construction Management: JIITAK's Innovative Approach
Web App
Mobile App
Flutter App
Revolutionizing Local Tourism and Taxpayer Benefits: A Journey in Japanese Municipal Collaboration
Mobile App
Flutter App
Maximizing Your Passion / Hobby: Affiliate Marketing Meets Social Media - Transform Skills into Value

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Flutter App Development?

Flutter app development involves using the Flutter framework, allowing the construction of apps compatible with multiple platforms like iOS and Android, from a single codebase. Originally, separate development for each platform was required, but Flutter enables development for multiple platforms simultaneously.

What Kind of Flutter App Development Does JIITAK Offer?

At JIITAK, we have a team with extensive experience and expertise across various industries and projects, delivering customizable Flutter app development tailored to client requirements.

What Programming Language is Used in Flutter App Development?

Flutter apps are developed using the Dart programming language. Developers design user interfaces using Flutter's UI components and implement the app logic. These can then be compiled and deployed for both iOS and Android platforms.

What is the Process of Flutter App Development?

The Flutter app development process includes requirement gathering ➜ design ➜ development ➜ testing ➜ deployment. At JIITAK, we collaborate with clients to propose a development process that's optimally customized for each project's needs.

How Much Does Flutter App Development Cost?

The cost of developing a Flutter app varies based on project requirements, the number of features, complexity, and the number of platforms supported. While traditional mobile app development can be expensive due to the need for separate development for each platform, Flutter's single codebase approach can reduce costs and improve efficiency. At JIITAK, we offer flexible development solutions to fit clients' budgets.

What is the Future of Flutter?

Flutter, as a cross-platform framework that allows development for multiple platforms from a single codebase, is efficient and cost-effective. Backed by Google and supported by an active community, Flutter is widely adopted by many companies, indicating its high potential for the future.

Does Flutter Support Web App Development?

Flutter supports web app development through Flutter Web, enabling the development of web apps from the same codebase.

Contact Us

We specialize in product development, launching new ventures, and providing Digital Transformation (DX) support. Feel free to contact us to start a conversation.